Sunday, February 04, 2007

Please note the added link to - the web for humanitarian help in Serbia.

Wedding in England

Finally some photos from the nice wedding of Kate and Greg. It took a while to transfer the photos from Graeme's laptop downstairs to mine upstairs due to the distance of the dangerous staircase...
Konacno fotografije sa vjencanja Kejt i Grega u Engleskoj. Trebalo nam je dosta vremena da prebacimo fotke sa jednog kompjutera na drugi, kao da zivimo u zamku a ne kod kuce....
The wedding was very cosy:
Vjencanje je bilo prijatno:

Kate looked excellent and happy
Kejt je divno izgledala i bila je srecna

Kate arrived in a vintage car. Very stylishly...
Kejt je stigla u crkvu u odltajmeru. U stilu!

The wedding was organised flawlessly, and there were lots of huge hats around...
Vjencanje je bilo odlicno organizovano. Svuda su se okretali sesiri i cilindri

And Danilo liked it, especially crawling around with Aunty Linda.

A Danilu se od svega najvise dopalo da puze okolo sa babatetka Lindom.
And of course, it would be impossible to imagine such a wedding without real Scotsmen!
I naravno, takvo vjencanje ne bi moglo da se zamisli bez jednog pravog Skota!