This is to keep a bit of sanity in a difficult period for our should be growing family. After being taken twice in hospital UMCG they transfered me to another hospital yesterday... Far from pleasant experience. The fact that I was transfered was bad by itself. But on top of it was the manner. At 13.00 Iwas informed that I will be transfered at some point during the day. Doctor said she will talk to me a bit later. I managed to call Graeme, eat a lunch or at least try trough constant crying. At 13.45 nurse came along and I asked when shall I get transfer , if it would be possible while Graeme is there up to 17.00. She said she can not guarantee, and went to have laughter by the next bed. At 13.55 or later she came to say she can not give me any details about time because ambulance doesn't know. At 14.00 Graeme arrived, and in 2 minutes nurse came in with ambulance people telling me to climb up the ambulance bed. I asked to pack or at least to go to toilet. I managed to sneak!!! to toilet, by which time nurse was repeating together wit ambulance people to climb to transfer bed. I wanted to gather some things, wallet, ID, mobile, but instead got literary tied to bed with hands tied, like dangerous psycho case. Another nurse was asking can they at least let me have my bag... And then I was here, no phone, no money, have no clue where etc... So why am I coworker of the hospital which handles pregnant women as society dangerous prisoners? I was told that they want to ensure I am resting, such that my blood pressure stabilizes. And then a shocking treatment like this?
Da sacuvam bar malo razuma stavljam ovo na blog. Vec drugi put sam zadrzana u bolnici, da budem pri ruci, u UMCG. Ali su me juce prebacili na brzaka i nimalo prijatno u drugu bolnicu. Nisam imala prilike ni da prikupim svoje krpice... Za krpice... eh imam vec iskustva, ali nacin na koji se sve odigralo je bio potpuno besmislen. Otprilike gospodjo hocete vi da uskacete u ambulantu ili da vas vezemo ko psihijatrijski slucaj? Vezase me oni ipak...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
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