Omiljene igracke su mu mikrotalasna i daljinski sto se i vidi iz prilozenog
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Mala pricalica
Tata ga zove chatter box - neprestano prica i drzi lekcije: svako jutro od devet do deset ja odslusam pomno sta Danilo ima novo da me nauci.

His father calls him a chatter box - he talks continuously and lectures us. Every morning from 9-10 h I have to sit and listen carefully to what Danilo has new to teach me this day.

His father calls him a chatter box - he talks continuously and lectures us. Every morning from 9-10 h I have to sit and listen carefully to what Danilo has new to teach me this day.
Sudden development

Danilo je u dva mjeseca propuzao, poceo da stoji, ponavlja neke rijeci na srpskom i da shvata komplikovane zavrzlame i rjesava slagalice.
Danilo developed a lot in last two months. He started crawling, but also standing, he repeats some words he hears (mainly serbian) , and he started solving complicated puzzles.
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