Tata ga zove chatter box - neprestano prica i drzi lekcije: svako jutro od devet do deset ja odslusam pomno sta Danilo ima novo da me nauci.
His father calls him a chatter box - he talks continuously and lectures us. Every morning from 9-10 h I have to sit and listen carefully to what Danilo has new to teach me this day.
A neuroscientist and a chemist run into each other far away from home. They decided to stick together and oops - the first baby - Danilo pops out. But the families of both of them live far away and they hope some to observe some to be the part of Danilo's life. A blog with the occasional updates is how we can bridge the distance.
Neuronaucnik i hemicar se sretose, jedared, daleko od svojih domova. Nakon sto su odlucili da zive zajedno - opa - evo i bebe Danila. I... Njihove porodice zive i dalje hiljadama kilometara daleko. Neki se nadaju da povremeno vide a neki da budu dio Danilovog zivota. Uz pomoc bloga mi pokusavamo da prebrodimo kilometre.
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