Paznja fotografija dole je jedina sansa da se vide 3 mlijecna zubica!
The photo below is unique chance to see 3 Danilo's milky teeth!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Rodjendan Birthday
U utorak 7. novembra Danilo je napunio 1 godinu. Novost za roditelje je da voli slatko. Ali kako se to desilo?
On 7th November Danilo became 1 year old. Litte chatter box prove he likes sweets. But how did this happen?
Evo kako: Prvo smo napravili brodice pune slatkisa kao cast u obdanistu. Kako je Danilo zavrsio sa dva poluprazna broda kada se vratio kuci i meni i Grejemu je ostala tajna...
This is how it all started: First we made little ships full with candies as a treat to kids in kindergarden. How did Danilo ended up bringing home two halfempty ships remains secret to both Graeme and me.
On 7th November Danilo became 1 year old. Litte chatter box prove he likes sweets. But how did this happen?
This is how it all started: First we made little ships full with candies as a treat to kids in kindergarden. How did Danilo ended up bringing home two halfempty ships remains secret to both Graeme and me.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wedding on Kreta
Sve je pocelo u divnoj kuci u seocetu Anopolis u brdima na Kreti gdje su se gosti okupili i... Juznoafrikanci otkupise Jelenu za preko 160 evra i jos su bili sigurni da su jeftino prosli. Kad samo pomislim ko mi je kriv pa izabrah Skota.....
It all started in a house in a small village Anopolis, where we gathered and South Australians bought Jelena for over 160 Euro. They thought they got a bargain.... ;-D
Vjencanje je bilo u Crkvi u Anopolisu. Mladenci su bili posipani ruzama. Mlada je kao sto prilici (i da se vidjeti sa slika) izgledala fantasticno!
Mark and Jelena married in church in Anopolis. The girls threw roses on them. Bride was very beautiful as one can see from photos.
Danilo je uzivao, i u crkvi i u igri i u jelu ali najvise u ispitivanju muzicke opreme.
Danilo enjoyed everything: wedding, dancing, food, but most of all exploring the musical equipment.
Usluga je bila par excellence a mlada nije prestajala da plese cijelo vrijeme.
The service was par excellence and bride didn't stop dancing!
Uskoro nove fotografije sa 2 vjencanja i jednog rodjendana.
Soon new photo's from 2 weddings and one birthday celebration!
Soon new photo's from 2 weddings and one birthday celebration!
Monday, November 06, 2006
more 2006
Biti na moru sa malom bebom je fantasticno iskustvo. Putovanje u kolima je malo naporno, ali ako se dobro organizuje uz ceste pauze (na suncu i uz osmjeh) moze daleko da se stigne:![](
Na vrh planine,
U dno pecine...
I dok tata spasava poruke u boci, mali Danilo se igra u pjesku sa mamom.
Ili sa drustvom....
Ili obilazimo gradove i prelazimo preko stijenja.....
To be on the sea shore with the little baby is fantastic experience. Traveling with a car is exhausting but with a little bit of organisation and a lots of breaks on sun and with a smile one can go as far as:
The top of the mountain...
Or the bottom of a cave...
And while dady is saving the message in the bottle, little Danilo is playin in a sand with his mother....
Or with some friends....
Or we visit cities or run over some rocks....
I dok tata spasava poruke u boci, mali Danilo se igra u pjesku sa mamom.
Ili sa drustvom....
Ili obilazimo gradove i prelazimo preko stijenja.....
To be on the sea shore with the little baby is fantastic experience. Traveling with a car is exhausting but with a little bit of organisation and a lots of breaks on sun and with a smile one can go as far as:
The top of the mountain...
Or the bottom of a cave...
And while dady is saving the message in the bottle, little Danilo is playin in a sand with his mother....
Or with some friends....
Or we visit cities or run over some rocks....
Seaside 2006
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