Monday, November 06, 2006

more 2006

Biti na moru sa malom bebom je fantasticno iskustvo. Putovanje u kolima je malo naporno, ali ako se dobro organizuje uz ceste pauze (na suncu i uz osmjeh) moze daleko da se stigne:

Na vrh planine,
U dno pecine...

I dok tata spasava poruke u boci, mali Danilo se igra u pjesku sa mamom.

Ili sa drustvom....

Ili obilazimo gradove i prelazimo preko stijenja.....

To be on the sea shore with the little baby is fantastic experience. Traveling with a car is exhausting but with a little bit of organisation and a lots of breaks on sun and with a smile one can go as far as:

The top of the mountain...

Or the bottom of a cave...

And while dady is saving the message in the bottle, little Danilo is playin in a sand with his mother....

Or with some friends....

Or we visit cities or run over some rocks....

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